List of the solvents and the CFCl3 19F NMR shielding constants in each solvent at the levels: ωb97xd/aug-ccpvdz, B3LYP/def2svpp, ωb97XD/aug-pcSseq1, MP2/aug-cc-pvdz, ωb97XD/def2svpp, B3LYP/aug-cc-pvdz, B3LYP+GD3BJ/aug-cc-pvdz and B3LYP+GD3BJ/def2svpp.

We followed the same procedure as for the NMR chemical shifts calculations for the other molecules. We optimised the CFCl3 in each solvent, at each level of theory, then used the calculated shielding constant as a reference. All the calculations can be found in DOI: 10.14469/hpc/9855.

CFCl3 19F NMR shielding constants at the ωb97xd/aug-ccpvdz, B3LYP/def2svpp, ωb97XD/aug-pcSseq1, MP2/aug-cc-pvdz, ωb97XD/def2svpp, B3LYP/aug-cc-pvdz, B3LYP+GD3BJ/aug-cc-pvdz and B3LYP+GD3BJ/def2svpp levels.
Solvent ωb97XD/aug-cc-pvdz B3LYP/def2svpp ωb97XD/aug-pcSseq1 MP2/aug-cc-pvdz ωb97XD/def2svpp B3LYP/aug-cc-pvdz B3LYP+GD3BJ/aug-cc-pvdz B3LYP+GD3BJ/def2svpp
Dichloromethane 195.9234 205.9798 176.9278 211.0881 224.0707 174.9464 175.5151 206.4297
Acetone 196.1163 206.0926 177.0362 211.2257 224.1053 175.0819 175.6497 206.6376
MeOH 196.1723 206.1252 177.0675 211.5333 224.1152 175.121 175.6886 206.6701
H2O 196.2278 206.1575 177.0984 211.3201 224.1382 175.1598 175.7271 206.7023
Benzene 195.3631 205.4131 176.3804 210.7385 223.3998 174.2632 174.8359205.9602
THF 195.8544 205.9396 176.8891 211.0544 223.94 174.8981 175.4671 206.4851
DMSO 196.2011 206.142 177.0836 211.2999 224.1255175.1412175.7086 206.6868
Chloroform 195.6223 205.8034176.7578 211.0194 223.8081 174.7342 175.3042 206.6496
Cyclohexane 195.2709 205.3204176.2911 210.7039 223.3201 174.151174.7243 205.8677
CCl4 195.3491 205.399 176.3668 210.727 223.3867 174.2461174.8189 205.9461
o-DCB 195.9594 206.001 176.9482 211.1101 224.0274174.9719175.5404 206.5463
n-heptane 195.2258 205.2751 176.2476 210.7071 223.2903 174.0962174.6698 205.8226
n-hexane 195.2123 205.2615 176.2347 210.7097 223.2836 174.0798174.6535 205.8091
DMF 196.184 206.132 177.074 211.2892 224.1188 175.1292 175.6967 206.6769
Diethylether 195.5526 205.7624 176.7181 211.018223.7559 174.6847 175.2551 206.3084
Acetonitrile 196.1805 206.1299 177.072211.2872224.1176 175.1267 175.6942 206.6748
Toluene 195.0171 205.4454 176.4116 210.5661 223.4311 174.2632 174.8747 205.9924