The Willgerodt-Kindler reaction. Completing the Box set.

DOI: 10.14469/hpc/7385 Metadata

Created: 2020-09-06 16:42

Last modified: 2020-09-25 18:25

Author: Henry Rzepa

License: Creative Commons: Public Domain Dedication 1.0

Funding: (none given)


Gaussian 16 calculations of the mechanism of he Willgerodt reaction


Willgerodt-4.svg 94KB image/svg+xml Reaction scheme.

Member of collection / collaboration

10.14469/hpc/177 Computation data for Henry Rzepa's blog


10.14469/hpc/7356 The Willgerodt-Kindler Reaction: mechanistic reality check 3.
10.14469/hpc/7369 Willgerodt-Kindler TS8: Int5 to Int4 G = -1338.144023
10.14469/hpc/7353 Willgerodt-Kindler TS4 (open) Full + NH3 G = -1338.138833 IRC step=25
10.14469/hpc/7391 Willgerodt-Kindler TS10 G = -1338.140926 IRC => Int7 (forward)
10.14469/hpc/7392 Willgerodt-Kindler TS4 Full + NH3 G = -1338.138833 => Opt G = -1338.137787
10.14469/hpc/7395 Willgerodt-Kindler Int7 G = -1338.195979
10.14469/hpc/7397 Willgerodt-Kindler TS10 + N-Morpholine as base G = -1569.399427
10.14469/hpc/7336 The Willgerodt-Kindler Reaction: mechanistic reality check 2.
10.14469/hpc/7373 Willgerodt-Kindler Int7 G = -1338.197306
10.14469/hpc/7388 Willgerodt-Kindler TS9: IRC forward 35 => Int4
10.14469/hpc/7393 Willgerodt-Kindler TS4 Full + NH3 G = -1338.138833 => Opt1 G = -1338.136346
10.14469/hpc/7294 The Willgerodt-Kindler Reaction: mechanistic reality check 1.
10.14469/hpc/7382 Willgerodt-Kindler TS9 G = -1338.141010
10.14469/hpc/7328 Willgerodt-Kindler Int5 -1338.145166 DG = 34.2
10.14469/hpc/7389 Willgerodt-Kindler TS9: IRC reverse 35 => Int7
10.14469/hpc/7396 Willgerodt-Kindler TS10 G = -1338.140926 IRC => Int7 (reverse)
10.14469/hpc/7400 Willgerodt-Kindler Reactant + N-Morpholine as base G = -1569.452902
10.14469/hpc/7377 Willgerodt-Kindler TS10 G = -1338.140926
10.14469/hpc/7372 Willgerodt-Kindler TS8: Int5 to Int4 G = -1338.144023 IRC
10.14469/hpc/7417 Willgerodt-Kindler TS4 + N-Morpholine as base G = -1569.395587 DG = 36.0
