A mechanistic insight into the boron-catalysed direct amidation reaction. Supplemental Computational data for one amine cycle.

DOI: 10.14469/hpc/3179 Metadata

Created: 2017-10-12 13:29

Last modified: 2017-10-12 13:39

Author: Henry Rzepa

License: Creative Commons: Public Domain Dedication 1.0

Funding: (none given)


Gaussian program input and output files

Member of collection / collaboration

10.14469/hpc/1854 A mechanistic insight into the boron-catalysed direct amidation reaction. Computational data for one amine cycle.


10.14469/hpc/1865 Carboxylic first cycle, dimer + amine => TI => amide via PT TS
10.14469/hpc/1852 Carboxylic first cycle, dimer
10.14469/hpc/1857 Carboxylic first cycle, dimer + 3H2O
10.14469/hpc/1900 Carboxylic first cycle, dimer + amine => TI => amide TS epimer + acetic acid assisted PT, TI + acetic acid after PT, C-O cleavage reactant TI
10.14469/hpc/1882 Carboxylic first cycle, dimer + amine => TI => amide TS epimer + acetic acid assisted PT, TI + acetic acid after PT, C-O cleavage TS
10.14469/hpc/1864 Carboxylic first cycle, dimer + MeNH2
