Molecular Complexes of Formally Neutral Iron Germanides Motif (Fe3Ge & Fe2Ge): Coordination Chemistry of Mono- and Dicoordinated Germanium(0)

DOI: 10.14469/hpc/3051 Metadata

Created: 2017-09-10 14:04

Last modified: 2017-12-18 09:58

Author: Henry Rzepa

License: Creative Commons: Public Domain Dedication 1.0

Funding: (none given)

Co-author: Anukul Jana
Co-author: David Scheschkewitz
Co-author: Debabrata Dhara
Co-author: Debdeep Mandal
Co-author: Lukas Klemmer


We report the synthesis and isolation of stable complexes of the formally neutral iron germanide motifs, Fe3Ge and Fe2Ge, which are coordinated by N-heterocyclic carbene and carbon monoxide ligands. In NHCiPr2Me2•Ge[Fe(CO)4][Fe2(CO)8] a germanium(0) ligand with just one stabilizing NHC is coordinated to both a mononuclear [Fe(CO)4] as well as a dinuclear [(CO)4FeFe(CO)4] unit. Treatment of NHCiPr2Me2•Ge[Fe(CO)4][Fe2(CO)8] with the smaller NHCMe4 leads to (NHCMe4)2Ge[Fe(CO)4]2, which contains a germylone ligand bridging two [Fe(CO)4] units.


10.14469/hpc/3052 Molecular Complexes of Formally Neutral Iron Germanides Motif (Fe3Ge & Fe2Ge): Coordination Chemistry of Mono- and Dicoordinated Germanium(0). Computational data.
10.14469/hpc/3122 Molecular Complexes of Formally Neutral Iron Germanides Motif (Fe3Ge & Fe2Ge): Coordination Chemistry of Mono- and Dicoordinated Germanium(0). NMR Data
