Kinetic Benchmarking Reveals the Competence of Prenyl Groups in Ring-Closing Metathesis

DOI: 10.14469/hpc/2707 Metadata

Created: 2017-07-07 11:25

Last modified: 2019-04-04 10:02

Author: Karim Bahou

License: Creative Commons: Public Domain Dedication 1.0

Funding: (none given)

Co-author: D. Christopher Braddock


A series of prenyl-containing malonates were kinetically benchmarked against the standard allyl-containing congeners using a ruthenium benzylidene pre-catalyst for ring-closing metatheses. The prenyl grouping was found to be a superior acceptor olefin compared to an allyl group in RCM processes with ruthenium alkylidenes derived from terminal alkenes. The prenyl group was also found to be a highly competent acceptor for a ruthenium alkylidene derived from a 1,1-disubstituted olefin in a RCM process.


10.14469/hpc/2715 1H NMR Kinetic Data for Kinetic Benchmarking Reveals the Competence of Prenyl Groups in Ring-Closing Metathesis
10.14469/hpc/2708 NMR Data for Kinetic Benchmarking Reveals the Competence of Prenyl Groups in Ring-Closing Metathesis

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References 10.1021/acs.orglett.7b02492 Published article: Kinetic Benchmarking Reveals the Competence of Prenyl Groups in Ring-Closing Metathesis
